The Art Of Isolation

The year 2020 will forever be synonymous with plague. A year when COVID-19 swept the planet and caused one of the biggest periods of lockdown and worldwide isolation...

Untitled Exhibition

Creativity is a free spirit. It thrives best without restrictions and is at its strongest without limitations; when bindings are cut and obstacles removed, a visceral creative energy...

The Resilient Self

It’s one thing to present your art honestly to the world, it’s quite another to turn that gaze on yourself. We live in the age of the ‘selfie,’...

Human Condition

“For this exhibition artists explore the complexities of human existence. From the physical to the spiritual, from birth to death through growth and change, we all share the essentials...


Cameras are like people. Each one has a different viewpoint. Many viewpoints, in fact. For ‘F Stop’, a group of photographers each of whom invites you to see...

All Can Be Frida

I Can Be Frida. You Can Be Frida. Everyone Can Be Frida! Artists expressing individual stories through their art, channelling the spirit of Frida Kahlo. Transmitting her strength,...

Threads Exhibition - Womens History Month

Our lives as women contain many threads**. Some run through time, connecting us to our past selves and pointing a way towards the future.Others are the threads that...

Superflex Community Project - Tate Modern

As part of the Superflex Community Project at Uniqlo Tate Lates, the work below was chosen amongst others to be projected on the wall and screens at the...

Illusions Exhibition

“Going beyond the surface, exploring the illusions of life, the change of art, time, fashion, environment and the perception we’re fed, what is reality and what isn’t ?...

Threads Exhibition Edinburgh

Artists from varied creative practices, background, culture and countries coming together for this most expressive exhibition. Exploring the threads that connects us through our experiences, humanity, gender, friendship...